Alumni News Archive
News of and for alumni
News from Campus

Celebrating a century-plus of Sterling Chemistry Laboratory
| Like excited hydrogen atoms returning to the ground state, generations of Yale chemists recently renewed their personal bond with a venerable campus lab building, 101 years after its dedication.
May 2024 Alumni Newsletter
| Dean Cooley reappointed, Where Do I Go From Yale?, student and alumni headlines

“Where Do I Go From Yale?” Empowers Students to Explore Career Pathways
| The annual event, now in its 14th year, is a collaborative effort between the Yale Alumni Association and the Yale Graduate School Alumni Association, and provides a platform for alumni to share their professional insights and journeys across various industries with students who are just beginning to embark on their professional lives.

Lynn Cooley reappointed dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
| Yale News: Cooley, who has led the nation’s oldest graduate school into “a new era of distinction” over the past decade, has been reappointed to a third five-year term.

Unlocking New Frontiers of Science: Harnessing the Power of Data for Research and Discovery webinar recording
| Dean Lynn Cooley and Dean Larry Gladney hosted the first in a new series "Boundless Discoveries: Yale Scholars in Conversation," a series of virtual conversations across disciplines featuring leading scholars from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School. We invite you to watch the recording of Unlocking New Frontiers of Science: Harnessing the Power of Data for Research and Discovery
February 2024 Alumni Newsletter
| US National Archivist on campus, 100 College Street offers connections, calendar of events
December 2023 Alumni Newsletter
| Boston For Humanity Illuminated event moderated by Crew Smith '12 PhD, GSAA Volunteer Award, a new name for a gecko, and more news from campus.

Expanding Horizons: GSAA Invites Alumni to Shape the Future of Alumni Engagement
| To foster strong alumni connections, the Graduate School Alumni Association (GSAA) extends an invitation to our alumni to play a more active role in shaping the future by joining the GSAA Board. Applications are due March 1, 2024

Endowed fellowship opens doors and honors inspiring mentorship
| Recognizing the vital contributions of doctoral scholars, Bert Eshaghpour ’79 PhD and Jacqueline Eshaghpour endowed a graduate fellowship fund to benefit students from China studying the physical or biological sciences. In addition to providing critical support for graduate students and their transformative research, this fellowship honors the legacies of Professors Jui H. Wang and Donald Crothers.

Four graduate alumni receive 2023 Wilbur Cross Medals
| The award honors alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for exceptional work in scholarship, public service, teaching, or academic administration.