International Exchange Programs

The Graduate School's international exchange partnerships allow Yale PhD students to study and conduct research at the universities listed below. Graduate students who are enrolled in those institutions are eligible to apply to come to Yale as Exchange Scholars.

Campus Scene


To participate in an outbound exchange program, Yale students must be enrolled in a PhD program and have completed at least one year of their program. 

To participate in an inbound exchange, visiting students must be nominated by their home institution prior to applying for Exchange Scholar status at Yale and have the approval of a Yale faculty member who will serve as their adviser while here.

Exchange proposals must be a minimum of three months in duration, up to a maximum of a year.

Please see the Exchange Scholar Program admissions page for additional information about eligibility requirements, application instructions, and a link to the applications for inbound and outbound international exchange programs.

International exchange partners

The exchange partnerships listed by discipline below have been established by individual programs and departments. Participation in these exchanges is typically limited to students pursuing PhDs in those programs. In some rare cases, students in related disciplines may be able to apply subject to availability of slots.

Partnerships established by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are not restricted by discipline and are open to application to PhD students who have the approval of their department here at Yale and the department of affiliation at the host institution.

All international exchange agreements must be approved in advance by the Graduate School to ensure that they meet university and Graduate School requirements. Faculty members interested in establishing an exchange program should contact Dean Jasmina Besirevic for more information about this process.




Graduate School


Italian Studies

Political Science

Public Health


Contact us

If you have questions about international exchange opportunities, please contact: