
The Graduate School maintains five standing committees that consist of graduate students, faculty members, and administrators. These committees advise the dean on policies and procedures central to our mission. As with all standing committees, their deliberations are confidential. Student members of these committees are selected by the Graduate Student Assembly.

The Executive Committee

A committee of faculty members and graduate students, chaired by the Dean, advises the Dean on broad matters of policy and procedure and makes recommendations to the faculty of the Graduate School.

2023-2024 Membership

Faculty: Claire Bowern (Linguistics), Francesco Casetti (Film & Media Studies), Alexandre Debs (Political Science), Michael Della Rocca (Philosophy), Anne Eller (History), Valerie Horsley (MCDB), Maureen Long (Earth and Planetary Sciences), Scott Miller (Chemistry), Giuseppi Moscarini (Economics), Michael Warner (English)

Students: Christopher Lindsay, GSA Chair (Astronomy); John Gonzalez, GSA Vice Chair (Experimental Pathology); Leslie Arrazolo (Physical Sciences & Engineering); Xinyi Guo (Biological Sciences); Tauren Nelson (Social Sciences); Benjamin Schafer (Humanities)

Deans: Lynn Cooley, Pamela Schirmeister

The Degree Committee

The Degree Committee meets twice a year. It is responsible to the faculty of the Graduate School for maintaining standards of graduate education in the school and for recommending candidates for degrees. The committee reviews special academic issues of individual students and, when appropriate, the educational programs of the departments.

2024-2025 Membership

Faculty: Lauren Benton (Committee Chair; History and Law), Yuichi Kitamura (Economics), Karin Reinisch (Cell Biology and Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry), Sun-Joo Shin (Philosophy), Matthew Spiegel (Management), Lin Zhong (Computer Science)

Deans: Lynn Cooley, Allegra di Bonaventura

The Climate & Inclusion Committee

Composed of faculty and staff, this ad hoc committee serves as an advisory capacity to the dean on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

2022-2023 Membership

Faculty: Patrick Holland (Chemistry), Maureen Long (Geology and Geophysics), Catherine Nicholson (English)

Deans: Jasmina Besirevic, Michelle Nearon, Matthew Tanico

The Committee on Regulations & Discipline

A panel composed of graduate students, faculty members, and an associate dean, this committee reviews violations of the regulations governing academic and personal conduct.

2023-2024 Membership

Faculty: Sarbani Basu (Astronomy), Cécile Fromont (History of Art), Dylan Gee (Psychology), Grace Kao (Sociology), Noel Lenski (History; Classics), Walther Mothes (Medicine; Microbial Pathogenesis)

Students: Allegra Ayida (History), Jake Fontaine (Immunobiology), Charles Lomba (Physics)

Deans: Lynn Cooley, Allegra di Bonaventura

Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) Steering Committee

The Graduate Student Assembly is an elected body of Yale students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The Assembly’s goals are to identify the needs and concerns of graduate students, consider possible solutions, and present these to the dean and other administrators. It also discusses, proposes, and advises on possible changes to Graduate School policy proposed by the administration. The assembly provides a means for communication and deliberation both among graduate students and between graduate students and other members of the Yale community.

2023-2024 GSA Executive Board Membership