Awards & Prizes

Graduate School students, faculty, and alumni are recognized each year for their outstanding achievements, including teaching, service, leadership, and professional accomplishments. See below for information about prizes and awards conferred upon members of the Graduate School community.
Recognizing Outstanding Students
University prizes conferred at Commencement
The university confers awards for outstanding scholarship to graduate students who have written dissertations of exceptional distinction.

Prize Teaching Fellows
The Prize Teaching Fellowship recognizes graduate students for their outstanding performance as teachers.

Graduate School Public Service Awards
The Graduate School Public Service Awards recognize the accomplishments of Yale graduate students engaged in outreach and service to the broader community, both locally and globally. The Graduate School confers the awards each year at Convocation.
Recognizing Outstanding Faculty

Graduate Mentor Awards
The Graduate School honors faculty members nominated by the graduate student community for their exemplary qualities as mentors.
Recognizing Outstanding Alumni

Wilbur Cross Medal for Alumni Achievement
The Graduate School Alumni Association presents the Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal to outstanding alumni in recognition of distinguished achievements in the areas in scholarship, teaching, academic administration, and public service.