Application Fees & Fee Waivers

The application fee for all degree-seeking applicants is US $105.00. Application fees are non-refundable.

Please pay this fee immediately upon submitting your application through the application platform. The fee must be paid, or a fee waiver must be granted, before your application will be reviewed. If you fail to pay the application fee or to obtain a fee waiver, your application will be cancelled.  

Acceptable Forms of  Payment

  1. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express are the only accepted means of payment.
  2. Debit cards and credit card debit authorizations are not accepted.
  3. Wire transfers (such as SWIFT or Fedwire) are not accepted.


If you experience an issue or error submitting payment, please confirm that you have used either a Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express card and that you entered the:

  • correct card number
  • correct expiration date and date format
  • correct security code (found on the back of your credit card)

If that does not resolve your issue, please check with your credit card company to make sure that you have not exceeded your credit line and that no holds are on your account. You may also try using a different card.

Fee Waivers

Some PhD or Master's applicants may be eligible for a fee waiver. The eligibility requirements and process to request a waiver are below. Note: fee waiver requests are submitted separately from the application for admission and usually take 2-3 business days to process. Please plan to submit your fee waiver request in well advance of your application deadline whenever possible. The final deadline to submit a fee waiver request is January 2.

Fee Waiver Eligibility 

You must be applying for a PhD or Master's degree. Non-degree applicants are not eligible for fee waivers. US citizens, permanent residents, and non-US citizens are all eligible to request a fee waiver.

How to Request a Fee Waiver

The fee waiver request process is now closed for 2024-2025 application cycle. This page will be updated in late-August 2025 with instructions for requesting a fee waiver for the 2025-2026 application cycle.