Exchange Scholar FAQs (incoming to Yale)

Who is eligible to apply for Exchange Scholar status?

Incoming exchange applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at one of the institutions with which Yale's Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) has an exchange agreement (see the full list here). They must also be nominated to participate by the exchange coordinator at their home institution. Please contact your home institution exchange coordinator for more information about the nomination process prior to applying.

What transcripts do I need? Do they need to be in English?

Incoming exchange applicants must provide a transcript from their current institution showing continuing enrollment during the period of study at Yale, along with all other undergraduate and graduate school transcripts. All transcripts must be in English or translated into English and must be uploaded to the online application prior to submission.

Mail sent to us via post or email cannot be accommodated and will be discarded.

What is "proof of enrollment"?

An official proof of enrollment letter on institutional letterhead must come from the office of a university registrar or from a similar institutional office charged with administering enrolled student records. You will be prompted to upload this required letter to your online application.

How long may I be registered as an Exchange Scholar?

Incoming exchange scholars may visit Yale for a minimum of three months up to a maximum of one year. In some cases, it may be possible to extend an exchange beyond one year with the permission of your home and host departments. Please contact Dean Sarah Insley ( with questions related to exchange extensions.

How should I choose my program start and end dates?

It is best to align your exchange program with the Graduate School's academic calendar, which will allow you to take full advantage of academic opportunities only available during regular term time. Please consult the GSAS academic calendar for typical academic year dates and deadlines. Exchange scholars who plan to enroll in courses should arrive on or before the date on which classes begin and schedule their program end date to align with the end of the semester.

How do I find a Yale adviser?

It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify and contact a Yale Graduate School faculty member who agrees to be your adviser during your proposed stay at Yale.

  • Students seeking a compatible adviser are encouraged to review the research descriptions posted by most faculty members on their departmental websites.
  • Faculty members are under no obligation to advise exchange applicants.
  • Students will not be admitted without a faculty adviser.

Once you identify a Yale faculty member who agrees to serve as your adviser, you may enter that information in your application.

The application asks me to provide "proof of funding." What is this?

Incoming exchange applicants are required to show proof of sufficient financial resources to cover their living expenses while at Yale. This may include:

  • financial support from your home institution
  • funds from an external award agency
  • personal and/or family funds

Applicants must provide documentation for each source of funds.

  • For each fellowship, grant and stipend, students must provide an official award letter detailing the amount and duration of each award.
  • For personal funds, students must provide an official bank statement.
  • For family support, students must provide a signed and dated letter from the family member indicating the amount and duration of the promised support, along with a corresponding bank statement showing sufficient funds.

All documents uploaded showing support for resources or awards, including bank statements, must be in English.

How long does it take to review my application?

Once your exchange application is submitted, review of your application may take anywhere between two to four weeks.

May I take courses?

Exchange scholars may engage in research, take courses, or do a combination of both while at Yale. For more information about enrollment requirements for international exchange scholars on a visa, please see here.

Will the university provide housing during my visit?

No. Exchange scholars are responsible for their own housing arrangements and living expenses. Information about housing options can be found on the Off-Campus living webpage.

Please do not contact the Admissions Office or the Graduate School Dean's Office regarding housing or accommodations, as they will not be able to assist you.

I am an international student. When will I obtain my immigration documents?

The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) will typically contact you by email within 6-10 business days after you formally accept an offer of admission. At that time, you will be asked to fill out a mandatory survey. Once you complete the survey, OISS will prepare your DS-2019 immigration document and mail it to you via courier. This document will include your SEVIS ID number, which is required to pay the SEVIS fee and book a visa appointment. All questions regarding the visa process should be directed to OISS.

What should I do if I need to change my arrival or departure dates once I've been admitted?

If your start or end dates change, please first notify your program and your Yale adviser. If you are an international student, you should also inform the Office of International Students and Scholars. Finally, completed the Non-Degree Students: Revised Start and End Dates or Cancelled Visit form. We can issue you a revised letter of admission, as long as all parties agree to the date changes.

What should I do when I arrive in New Haven?

If you are an international student, you should first bring your passport and immigration documents to check in with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). Next, inform your Yale department and adviser that you have arrived. On your official start date, go to the Yale ID Center to obtain your ID Card.

If you are a domestic student or permanent resident, please first inform your Yale department and adviser that you have arrived. On your official start date, go to the Yale ID Center to obtain your ID Card.