Family Support Subsidy FAQs

Q. Do I qualify for the PhD-student family support subsidy?

If you have a child (or children) aged 18 or younger and are a full-time registered PhD student, or a PhD student in a term in which you began a medical or parental leave, you qualify for this subsidy.

Q. When and how do I sign up for the PhD-student family support subsidy?

The Graduate School will email you an enrollment form before the start of each term—generally in August for the fall term and in December for the spring term. You must complete the enrollment form each term to receive this subsidy.

Q. Both my spouse and I are PhD students at Yale, and we have a child. Do we each get the $7,500 Family Support subsidy?

Only one subsidy per family is available, so you and your spouse together would receive one family support subsidy per year. Please note that only one student parent should apply for the subsidy. Applications for a second subsidy for one family will be denied.

Q. If I take my family off of Yale Health coverage in the middle of the semester, can I receive a pro-rated amount of the subsidy? 

The family support subsidy is available to eligible PhD students with a child up to the age of 18, whether or not they enroll in the Yale Health plan. Midterm changes like births or adoptions are pro-rated on a case-by-case basis.

Q. What happens if my child is born or adopted in the middle of the term?

The family support subsidy can be prorated in the event of a midterm birth or adoption. If you have a birth or adoption after the enrollment period for the term, you must submit the Midterm Enrollment form to receive the prorated amount. Note that the subsidy is divided equally into 12 monthly payments (8/1-1/31 for the fall and 2/1-7/31 for the spring), so if your birth or adoption event occurs in the summer months you may still apply for a pro-rated subsidy for the spring; you may then apply for the full subsidy beginning in the following fall term.

Q. How do I change my Yale Health Plan coverage and when will the change take effect?

All Yale Health Plan changes can be made with the Yale Health Member Services team, who can provide an estimate on the timeline for the change to take effect. You can view your status on your Yale Hub page.

Q. How is the PhD Student Family Support subsidy treated for tax purposes?

The tax treatment of subsidy payments is the same as that of your Graduate School stipend. For more information, please see Tax Information.