The John Morton Blum Fellowship for Graduate Research in American History and Culture
Graduate School alumni of the departments of History and American Studies established the John Morton Blum Fellowship in honor of Sterling Professor Emeritus of History John Blum. The fellowship provides a small number of competitive summer awards to PhD candidates in History and American Studies to support dissertation research in the field of twentieth-century American history and culture.
PhD students in the fields of History or American Studies who have advanced to candidacy and have been enrolled for no more than six years at the time of application are eligible to apply.
Application instructions
Eligible students must apply using the Student Grants Database. Enter “Blum” in the search field to access the John Morton Blum Fellowship page and application link. To receive consideration, complete applications (including letters of recommendation) must be submitted by April 1 at 1pm.
Required application materials
• A 500-word proposal describing the research and writing to be performed during the tenure of the fellowship and how this will advance the broader goals of the dissertation project overall. Note: the dissertation prospectus is not an acceptable substitute.
• An itemized budget of projected expenses. Note: living expenses that would otherwise be covered by the summer stipend will not be considered for additional funding.
• The name and e-mail address of the Yale faculty adviser who will provide a letter of reference. Students should post this information to the database at least three weeks in advance of the submission deadline to allow the faculty adequate time to provide references. Note: It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all application materials, including the letter of reference, are submitted by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
The fellowship may be used to support research travel or living expenses (not already covered by the summer stipend) incurred during the tenure of the fellowship.
Field of study
History, American Studies