Eric Hughes
'98 MD, '99 PhD Immunology // Executive VP Global R&D and CMO of Teva Pharmaceuticals
Eric received his MD in '98 and his PhD in Immunology from Yale in '99. Passionate about achieving better and healthier outcomes for HIV patients, Eric transitioned into pharmaceutical development after finishing his residency and a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Yale. In addition to his dynamic responsibilities as Executive VP of Global R&D and CMO at Teva Pharmaceuticals, Eric happily takes time out of his schedule to participate in informational interviews with proactive Yalies who want to know more about the drug research industry. In his interview with YGJ, Eric speaks to the value of lifelong learning, to the necessity of networking with peers and likeminded individuals, and to the importance of taking the time during your graduate career at Yale to build skills and self-confidence that will serve you no matter where you go after Yale.