Academic Resources
Showing 10 of 70 Resources
Academic Calendar
The Graduate School's academic calendar lists important dates and deadlines related to coursework, registration, financial processes, and milestone events such as graduation.
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Advising and Mentoring
Resources related to academic advising and professional mentoring for graduate students
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Advising Processes for Faculty & Students
PDF — 1.6 MB
The Graduate School's guide for faculty and students on building and navigating successful advising relationships
Annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Graduate Education
The annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Graduate Education is a dynamic academic conference, drawing New Haven community residents, scholars, administrators, and graduate and undergraduate students from across the nation.
Associates in Teaching Program
Associates in Teaching are graduate students who design and teach courses in full collaboration with a Yale faculty member. Graduate students and their faculty partners apply each spring to co-teach a course in the following academic year. The program is designed to give select graduate students the opportunity to gain the full range of experience in college teaching, with the added benefit that comes from close collaboration with a Yale faculty member.
Canvas is Yale's learning management system for all courses. You'll find syllabi, assignments, grades, and additional resources for your courses on this platform.
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The Graduate School offers a number certificate programs through which you can gain secondary competency in a related field while pursuing your PhD. There are two types of certificates: academic program certificates and certificates in training.
Combined PhD Programs
The Graduate School offers opportunities to pursue interdisciplinary fields of study through our formal combined PhD programs. In addition, students may also request to create an ad hoc combined program in consultation with their department or program.
Conduct & Grievance Procedures
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences invests in and draws upon the strengths of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive community of scholars and researchers. This page outlines the support resources and procedures available to GSAS students when there are concerns about our shared community values.
Conference Travel Fellowship (CTF)
By partnering with the MacMillan Center and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, graduate students with representatives in the Graduate Student Assembly are eligible for annual conference travel funding of up to $800.