Combined PhD Programs
Formal Combined PhD Programs
Many academic departments and programs in the Graduate School partner to offer formal combined PhDs. You can apply for a formal combined degree program in your original admission application to the Graduate School; or, if you are in your first year of study, by requesting to transfer from your current program to a combined program. Students may not transfer programs after they have advanced to candidacy.
To explore the possibility of transferring to a combined degree program, you should consult with the directors of graduate studies in your current and prospective programs. You will need to identify an appropriate academic adviser in the new program; fill out the Departmental Transfer Form; and prepare a one-to-two-page statement detailing your academic reasons for requesting the transfer and a timeline for completing the PhD. Requests to transfer to a combined program should be submitted to your current and prospective programs for review and approval, which is entirely at the discretion of the two departments/programs. Programs then submit signed forms and materials to the Dean’s Office for final approval. These should be sent to
Ad Hoc Combined PhD Programs
You also have the option to propose an ad hoc combined PhD for approval by both programs and the Graduate School. If you are in your first year of study and wish to explore the possibility of transferring to an ad hoc combined PhD, you should discuss your plans and proposal with the directors of graduate studies in your current and prospective programs. Students are not eligible to transfer into a combined degree after they have advanced to candidacy. You will need to identify an appropriate academic adviser in the new program and complete the Departmental Transfer Form. (Example: a student in Political Science applying to transfer to an ad hoc combined PhD with Religious Studies would fill out the form requesting a transfer from "Political Science" to "Political Science and Religious Studies.") In addition to the form, you should prepare a one-to-two-page statement explaining the academic reasons for the ad hoc proposal. Applications to transfer to an ad hoc combined PhD must also include a detailed outline and timeline for completing all requirements of the degree.
Please note that a combined degree should represent some combination of the requirements of each program, as agreed to by both DGSs. It does not represent the total sum of requirements in both programs. The combined degree is not two PhDs, but rather a combination of two doctoral programs that can be completed within the student's normal time to degree. Requests to transfer to a combined program should be submitted to your current and prospective programs for review and approval. Approval is entirely at the discretion of each program. Programs then submit signed forms and materials to the Dean’s Office for final approval. These should be sent to
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