Non-Cumulative Registration
In certain PhD programs, it may be necessary for a registered PhD student to acquire an academic or methodological skill, such as knowledge of a foreign language, that is essential for a degree requirement or for research in a particular field and for the overall progress of the dissertation, but is not an inherent part of the dissertation itself. In this case, you may request up to one year of non-cumulative registration over the course of your program. General study in a field related to or parallel with the topic of the dissertation would not be eligible for non-cumulative registration.
If you are considering the possibility of non-cumulative study, you should first meet with your director of graduate studies to discuss your proposal. If approved by your DGS and the Graduate School, your academic and funding “clocks” will pause. While registered non-cumulatively, you will be charged the Continuing Registration Fee but a fellowship will automatically be applied to cover the cost. You will continue to receive a Health Award from the Graduate School while on non-cumulative registration.
Non-cumulative registration does not affect the four-year, full-tuition obligation. The tuition charge and any university stipend will be postponed if you register non-cumulatively before the four-year, full-tuition obligation has been satisfied.
You may request non-cumulative registration status by submitting the Change of Status form.
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