Student Support
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Student Life & Community
While you are at Yale, you will meet friends, colleagues, and mentors through your academic program. There are lots of additional ways to build relationships that will help you thrive as a graduate student.
Showing 10 of 40 Resources
International Toolkit
The university's toolkit for international travel offers detailed guidance for Yale travelers, including a checklist of essential actions to take before and during your trip.
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Leaves of Absence
The Graduate School offers leaves of absence for students who wish to pause their studies temporarily. There are three categories of leave: medical leave of absence, personal leave of absence, and parental leave of absence.
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McDougal Center
The McDougal Graduate Student Center offers support resources, events, and programming that build community and help you to connect with your fellow graduate students.
Meals for Mentoring
The Graduate School’s "Meals for Mentoring" program is a chance for PhD students and their mentors to talk about research, coursework, career goals, and personal and professional development over a free lunch.
Off-Campus Living Resources
This is a resource for members of the Yale community looking for off-campus housing. Find information on properties for rent or sale, landlord ratings, maps of New Haven and the Yale Campus, and links to additional resources.
Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity Fellows Program
Are you a current graduate student who wants to help create programming and provide support to your peers? If so, come join us! We invite you to apply as an Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity (OGSDD) Fellow.
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
The Office of International Affairs supports all international activities and initiatives at the university. It promotes Yale and its faculty to international audiences and increases the visibility of Yale’s international activities around the globe and also maintains helpful resources for students and scholars traveling internationally.
Office of LGBTQ Resources
The Yale University Office of LGBTQ Resources is a community center that partners to maintain a coalition of LGBTQ organizations across campus and in the community. Our mission is to support and empower students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions to strengthen and unite our Yale University community.
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Parental Relief for PhD Students
The Graduate School's relief policy assists PhD students when they become parents, enabling them to modify their academic responsibilities in the semester during or following the birth or adoption of a child.
Payne Whitney Gym
Payne Whitney Gym provides free year-round gym membership for full-time, degree-seeking students.