Prize Teaching Fellows

The Prize Teaching Fellowship recognizes graduate students for their outstanding performance and promise as teachers. It is considered among the most important honors that Yale bestows upon graduate students.
Yale PhD students in academic good standing who have served in Yale College as teaching fellows (TFs) or part-time acting instructors (PTAIs) are eligible for nomination for the Prize Teaching Fellowship.
The award is made based upon nominees' excellence in performance as TFs or PTAIs as attested by undergraduate students and by supervising faculty. To be eligible for selection, graduate students must be making satisfactory progress towards the PhD degree, as shown in the Dissertation Progress Report filed with the Graduate School.
Prize Teaching Fellowship selections are made in the spring term.
Selection and Award of the Prize Teaching Fellowship

Nomination Process
Students in Yale College may nominate any graduate student enrolled in a PhD program whom they had as a teaching fellow (TF) or part-time acting instructor (PTAI) in an undergraduate course in either the fall or spring term. Twice a year, at the end of the fall term and in the middle of the spring term, the Yale College Dean's Office will invite nominations by e-mailing all Yale College students. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, graduate student instructors should not solicit their students for nominations. If undergraduate students should ask how to go about making a nomination, please refer them to this website:

2022-23 Prize Teaching Fellows
The Award
The number of Prize Teaching Fellowships is not strictly capped, but is expected in any given year to lie between six and ten. The recipients of Prize Teaching Fellowships receive a cash prize of $3,000 to be awarded in May. Those selected as Prize Teaching Fellows will be honored at a dinner in October, hosted by the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of Yale College.
Past Winners
Camille Angelo, Religious Studies
Carissa Chan, Molecular Biology
Grayson Hoy, Chemistry
Nghiem Huynh, Economics
Kimberly Lifton, Medeval Studies
Benjamin Schafer, History
Jillian Stallman, Economics
Audrey Tjahjadi, Anthropology
Alexa Williams, Chemistry
Novak Yang, Imunobiology
Eason Cao, Cell Biology
Max Clayton, American Studies
William Frazer, Earth and Planetary Sciences
John Garmon, Physics
Xinyu, Guan, French
Justin Hawkins, Religious Studies
Matt King, Physics
Alexandria Palazzo, Chemistry
Alejandro Quintana, Classics
Shivnag Sista, Physics
Sidharth, Tyagi, MD/Ph.D. Program
Pedro Casavilca Silva, Economics
Anna Duensing, African American Studies and History
Hugo Havranek, Philosophy
Ian Hsu, Chemistry
Micah Khater, History and African American Studies
Moya Mapps, Philosophy
Tyler Myers, Chemistry
Kimberly Wong, Psychology
Josh Zimmer, Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry
Jungmin Eun, Chemistry
Wenjing Luo, Biomedical Engineering
Anne Mishkind, Political Science
Maryam Parhizkar, American Studies
Cera Smith, English Language & Literature
Charles Troup, History
Wei Xiang, Economics
Shawn Ahn, Biomedical Engineering
Brandon Alexander, Chemistry
Da’Von Boyd, Political Science
Madelon Case, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Ryan Mescall, Physics
Shikhar Singh, Political Science
Byungmin So, Mathematics
Samuel Bhutto, Chemistry
Joshua Gailey, Music
Brandon Hubbard, MD, Ph.D.
Lucia Hulsether, Religious Studies
Lili Johnson, American Studies
Marko Mitrovic, Computer Science
Ahyan Panjwani, Economics
Javier Portillo, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Cera Smith, English
Yingqi Tang, Political Science
Sarah Zager, Religious Studies
Samantha A. Berstler, Philosophy
Sean D. Bickerton, Biomedical Engineering
Andrew M. Hogan, History
Lucia R. Hulsether, Religious Studies
Don T. Li, Cell Biology
George C. Linderman, Applied Math
Marissa A. Moore, Music
Rodrigo B. Reboucas, Chemical Engineering
Kevin Tobia, Philosophy
Andrina Tran, History
Alexander J. Engler, ENAS
Etienne Greenlee, MCDB
Stefan Krastanov, Physics
Daniel J. Martin, Chemistry
Kavita Mistry, Cell & Molecular Physiology
Nicholas Robbins, History of Art
Alice Baumgartner, History
Alexander J. Engler, ENAS
Kyle Luh, Math
Daniel J. Martin, Chemistry
Miranda Sachs, History
Susanna Kimport, Mathematics
Anya Adair, English
Andrew Hogan, History
Ah Rume Park, Cell Biology
Mark A. Rodgers, Music
Raphael Sarfati, Applied Physics
Tomoaki Sasaki, Pharmacology
Kamala Schelling, Music
Julie Kuroda-Lanselle Sinclair, Chemistry
Kyle Skinner, Italian
Arber Tasimi, Psychology
Alexander Cerjan, Physics
Joseph Faucher, Engineering and Applied Science
Jared Rovny, Physics
Liam Sharninghausen
Andrew Horowitz, History
Miho Kaneko, Chemistry
David V. Kimel, History
Alp Kucukelbir, Engineering & Applied Science
Miriam Logan, Mathematics
Kyle Luh, Mathematics
Susie Kimport, Mathematics
Carolyn Sinsky, Comparative Literature
Alexander Cerjan, Physics
Subhojoy Gupta, Mathematics
Matthew Herdiech, Engineering & Applied Science
Andrew Horowitz, History
Matthew Lindauer, Philosophy
Miriam Logan, Mathematics
James Ross MacDonald, English
Deacon Nemchick, Chemistry
Bogdan Vioreanu, Mathematics
Talya Zamach-Bersin, American Studies
Jennifer Lambe, History
Joseph Lauer, Mathematics
Rishi Raj, Mathematics
Samuel Schaffer, History
Jeremi Szaniawski, Film Studies
Jan Claas van Treeck, German
Gwendolyn M. Bradford, Philosophy
Stephen Eckel, Physics
Elyse Graham, English
Sarah Mahurin, English
Patricia Maloney, Sociology
Heather McGee, Immunobiology
Joseph Zinter, Engineering & Applied Science
Ryan Brasseaux, American Studies
Jamie L. Duke, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Merideth A. Frey, Physics
Robert B. Gilpin, History
Federico H. Gutierrez, Economics
Sungil Han, Philosophy
Lauren Jacks Gamble, History of Art
James R. MacDonald, English
Katherine C. Mooney, History
James R. O’Leary, Music
Nathan E. Suhr-Sytsma, English
Aleksander Vacic, Engineering and Applied Science
Eric Bianchi, Music
John T. Giblin, Physics
John Goss, Cell Biology
Marcus Labude, Philosophy
Grace Leslie, History
Mary Ellen Leuver, History of Science History of Medicine
Ansgar Mohnkern, Germanic Languages & Literature
Andrea Moudarres, Italian Languages & Literature
Evelyn Scaramella, Spanish & Portuguses
Gilad Tanay, Philosophy
Justin Belardi, Chemistry
Omri Boehm, Philosophy
Christine de Lorenzo, Electrical Engineering
Daniel Feldman, Comparative Literature
David Huyssen, History
Aaron Mertz, Physics
Seth Monahan, Music
Ethan Neil, Physics
Manish Patnaik, Mathematics
Rob Person, Political Science
Ayesha Ramachandran, Renaissance Studies
Rachael Relph, Chemistry
Eric Stern, Engineering & Applied Science
Sean Taylor, Molecular, Cellular, and Development Biology
Helen Veit, History
Mary Beth Willard, Philosophy
Helen Wong, Mathematics
Carolyn Davidson, History
Seth Dworkin, Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Feldman, Comparative Literature
Jeffrey Headrick, Chemistry
Dorota Heneghan, Spanish & Portuguese
Joshua Levithan, History
Heidi Lockwood, Philosophy
Charles More, Philosophy
Barry Muchnick, History and FES
Todd Olszewski, History of Science History of Medicine
Sean Taylor, Molecular, Cellular, and Development Biology
Justin Zaremby, Political Science
Jessica Borelli, Psychology
Jane Erickson, Psychology
Mikhail Ershov, Mathematics
Luz Horne, Spanish & Portuguese
Helmut Illbruck, Comparative Literature
Ann Kern, Comparative Literature
Laure Marcellesi, French
Adam Marshak, History
Marco Oviedo, Economics
Sara Stefani, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Eugenius Ang, Neurobiology
Michael Barnwell, Religious Studies
Andrea Becksvoort, American Studies
John Delury, History
Andrew Dole, Religious Studies
Mikhail Ershov, Mathematics
Jeffrey Headrick, Chemistry
Dorota Heneghan, Spanish & Portuguese
Nam Gyu Kang, Mathematics
Bernardo Piciche, Italian
Matthew Reese, Applied Physics
Brian Reilly, French
Sven Ude, Chemical Engineering
Eugenius Ang, Neurobiology
Timothy Domeier, Cellular & Molecular Physiology
Amerigo Fabbri, Italian
Mark Greif, American Studies
Arthur Hersel, Engineering & Applied Science
Scott Kleeb, History
Aaron Matz, Comparative Literature
Adinah Miller, Religious Studies
Neal Mitra, MCDB
Anton Orlich, Political Science
Elizabeth Paluck, Psychology
Aaron Sachs, American Studies
John Schneekloth, Chemistry
Patricio Boyer, Comparative Literature
Duncan Chesney, Comparative Literature
Angus Fletcher, English
Sara Haug, Chemical Engineering
Jonathan Kagan, Microbiology
Jana Kunicova, Political Science
Edward Melillo, History
Stefan Miller, Chemistry
Nathaniel Phinney, Religious Studies
Susan Rivers, Psychology
Lina Steiner, Comparative Literature
Petia Vlahovska, Chemical Engineering
Joseph Acquisto, French
David Carson Berry, Music
Steven Corcelli, Chemistry
Karene Grad, American Studies
Jens Graeber, Chemistry
Kristen, Hylenski, German
Joshua Kronen, History
Robert Lagueux, Music
Carrie Lane, American Studies
Erez Manela, History
Barry McMillion, Political Science
Charlotte Taylor, English
Catherine Whalen, American Studies
Adam Bristol, Psychology
Lawrence Dahl, English
Moira Fradinger, Comparative Literature
Elizabeth Hillman, History
Scott McGill, Classics
Michelle Nickerson, American Studies
Andrew Pearlman, Economics
John Turci-Escobar, Music
Cherie Woodworth, History
Rabab Abdulhadi, Sociology
H. Erik Butler, Comparative Literature
Nikolai Firtich, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Moira Fradinger, Comparative Literature
Eileen Hunt, Political Science
Baird Jarman, History of Art
Geoffrey Kabaservice, History
Randy Kidd, History of Science History of Medicine
Sukjae Lee, Philosophy
Andrew Lewis, American Studies
Edward Lintz, Comparative Literature
John Monroe, History
Clyde Ragland, Philosophy
Wendie Schneider, History
Kelly Sorensen, Philosophy