FEAST Program Enrollment Form

As part of the FEAST program, all faculty teaching with graduate student Teaching Fellows or supervising teaching of Part-Time Acting Instructors are eligible to receive four lunch meals per TF/PTAI.

If you would like to participate in the FEAST for Teaching lunch program kindly complete the brief form below. If you are teaching multiple courses with teaching fellows, or supervising PTAIs, list each course and the number of students supervised. 

We invite faculty members and students with whom they teach with to gather for lunch “on the Dean” at one of the following locations: 

Meal swipes for you and your graduate students will be loaded onto your Yale ID card that can be used during the term. 

The deadline to enroll is Friday, February 2, 2024. Swipes will be added to your Yale ID by Friday, February 9, 2024

Please complete all fields that apply to your course(s) to avoid delays with processing your request. 

Students assigned as TFs or PTAIs are not eligible for FEAST swipes. Instead, use the Meals for Mentoring enrollment form

Note that instructors supervising research assistants, postdoctoral students, undergraduate students, or advisees do not qualify for this program.

For questions, please reach out to teaching.fellows@yale.edu