Family Support Subsidy for Parenting PhD Students

If you are a PhD student with a child or children, we know that you have additional child-related expenses. We want you and your children to thrive while you are at Yale and are pleased to provide a family support subsidy to assist you with these expenses. PhD students who are registered full time in any year of study are eligible for the family support subsidy; PhD students who take medical or parental leave are eligible in the semester in which their leave begins, but not beyond.

  • The annual subsidy of $7,500 ($3,750 per term) is available to eligible PhD students with a child under the age of 18. 
  • An annual subsidy of $2,500 ($1,250 per term) per child is available for each additional child under the age of six.


All full-time registered PhD students—and PhD students in the first term of a medical or parental leave— with children under the age of 18 are eligible to apply for the family subsidy. There is no means testing, so you do not need to submit any financial documents to us, nor are you subject to income threshold limitations. There is only one family subsidy available per family, so if two PhD students are the parents of a child or children together, only one student should apply for the family subsidy.

If a child under 18 is adopted, please submit a copy of documentation that a legal adoption has occurred with your first request for the family subsidy. If your documentation is not in English, please submit an English translation as well.

You MUST enroll each term to qualify for the subsidy. The PhD Student Family Support Enrollment form is available online during the enrollment period.

The family subsidy enrollment periods for the academic year are:

  • Fall Term: September 3 – September 29 
    • Subsidy disbursed on October 15
  • Spring Term: January 27 – February 16 
    • Subsidy disbursed on February 28

Midterm Adoptions and Births

If your child is born or adopted after the start of a term, you can receive a pro-rated subsidy for that semester. To qualify, submit the Midterm Birth/Adoption Event form as soon as possible. Use this form only if your birth/adoption takes place during a semester and after the enrollment period has closed.

Parental Relief

A birth or adoption may also qualify you for Parental Relief. The relief policy stops your academic clock and offers eligible PhD students a fully funded extra semester in your program (paid for by the Graduate School) in the semester in which a birth or adoption occurs or the semester immediately thereafter. There is a maximum of two relief periods per student.

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