Academic Resources
Showing 10 of 70 Resources
Meals for Mentoring
The Graduate School’s "Meals for Mentoring" program is a chance for PhD students and their mentors to talk about research, coursework, career goals, and personal and professional development over a free lunch.
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Non-Cumulative Registration
Non-cumulative registration allows you to pause your academic clock in order to acquire an academic or methodological skill that is essential for your degree requirements or dissertation research.
Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity Fellows Program
Are you a current graduate student who wants to help create programming and provide support to your peers? If so, come join us! We invite you to apply as an Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity (OGSDD) Fellow.
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Office of Career Strategy (OCS)
The Office of Career Strategy (OCS) supports GSAS students from every discipline and at every stage of their time at Yale through career advising, programming and resources aimed at the specific career interests and needs of PhD and Master’s students. At OCS, graduate students can explore diverse career paths; build professional skills and experience; identify opportunities; and get help with job search strategies, application materials, and interviewing in preparation for a successful job search within and beyond the academy. Services offered by OCS for Master’s and PhD students are part of a suite of resources supported by the Graduate School to foster professional and career development.
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Parental Relief for PhD Students
The Graduate School's relief policy assists PhD students when they become parents, enabling them to modify their academic responsibilities in the semester during or following the birth or adoption of a child.
PhD Student Summer Funding Resources
The Graduate School offers a number of summer funding awards to support academic activities related to PhD degree requirements. These include competitive research travel fellowships and tuition grants for enrollment in GSAS-sponsored language courses offered in Yale Summer Session.
Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
The Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning offers robust resources to support graduate student professional development, focused particularly on teaching and writing.
Post-Baccalaureate Programs
Are you a recent college graduate who is highly motivated to pursue a research career? See if one of our post-baccalaureate programs is right for you.
Preview Days
As part of the Graduate School's efforts to recruit an exceptional pool of applicants, the Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity (OGSDD) hosts annual in-person and virtual Preview Days.
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Professional & Career Development
We promote an intentional approach to professional development, one that begins with the first year of your PhD and continues to evolve as you build knowledge and shape your scholarly and professional identity. Take advantage of the resources Yale has to offer: join a workshop series on leadership, communication, or project management; develop mentoring skills; or prepare for the job market through workshops on scholarly profile, job market materials, and interviewing skills. You can participate in professional development and career strategy workshops, and also schedule one-on-one consultations about your professional development and job search readiness.