Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)

The Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) holds a crucial position in fostering a vibrant academic community and supporting the success of graduate students. Through their roles and responsibilities, the DGS provides academic guidance, program administration, recruitment and admissions oversight, student support, and policy development. Their dedicated efforts contribute to maintaining the high standards of scholarship and research for which Yale is renowned, while also ensuring the well-being and success of its graduate students.
Roles and Responsibilities
One of the primary responsibilities of the DGS is to provide academic guidance and mentorship to graduate students. The DGS serves as a valuable resource for students, assisting them in navigating academic programs, course selection, and degree requirements. They work closely with students to create individualized academic plans, ensuring that they receive a comprehensive and well-rounded education. The DGS also advises students on research opportunities, funding options, and career development, playing a pivotal role in shaping their academic and professional trajectory.
The DGS is responsible for overseeing the administrative aspects of graduate programs within the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. They work closely with program faculty to develop and implement policies and procedures that align with the overall mission and goals of the Graduate School. The DGS ensures that program requirements are clearly defined and communicated to students, and that all necessary resources and support systems are in place for their success. They collaborate with program faculty to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the curriculum, making necessary adjustments to meet the evolving needs of the students and the field.
The DGS is actively involved in the recruitment and admissions process at the Graduate School. They play a vital role in identifying and attracting highly qualified and diverse applicants to their programs. The DGS collaborates with the admissions committee, reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and making informed decisions on admissions offers in collaboration with the Graduate School academic deans. They aim to create a diverse and inclusive cohort of students, fostering an intellectually stimulating and culturally rich environment within the Graduate School.
Another crucial responsibility of the DGS is to provide ongoing support and advocacy for graduate students. They serve as a point of contact for students facing academic or personal challenges and help connect them with appropriate resources and support services. The DGS also advocates for students' needs and concerns within the broader university community, ensuring that their voices are heard, and that their academic and personal well-being is prioritized.
The DGS actively participates in the development and implementation of policies and procedures related to graduate education. They collaborate with faculty and administrators to establish guidelines for academic integrity, progress assessment, and degree completion. The DGS also keeps abreast of national trends and best practices in graduate education, incorporating them into policies and procedures to ensure that the Graduate School's programs remain competitive and relevant.
DGS Administrative Resources
DGS and Registrar DirectoryAcademic Support Resources
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Advising and Mentoring
Resources related to academic advising and professional mentoring for graduate students
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Teaching Fellow Program
Learning to teach is an essential component of academic training and professional development.
Academic Calendar
The Graduate School's academic calendar lists important dates and deadlines related to coursework, registration, financial processes, and milestone events such as graduation.
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Leaves of Absence
The Graduate School offers leaves of absence for students who wish to pause their studies temporarily. There are three categories of leave: medical leave of absence, personal leave of absence, and parental leave of absence.
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Registration Information and Dates
Students must register every term in which they are enrolled in the Graduate School. Registration for a given term takes place the semester prior, and so it's important to stay on top of your academic plan. The University Registrar's Office oversees the systems that students use to register. Instructions about how to use those systems and the dates during which registration occurs can be found on their registration website.
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In Absentia Registration
You should register in absentia if you are a PhD student who will be living outside the New Haven area in order to conduct full-time dissertation research, full-time field work, or full-time study at another academic institution.
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Extended Registration Beyond Year 6
Registration beyond year 6 is not automatic and must be approved. Special registration is required to request extended registration into year 7 or–in extremely rare circumstances–year 8.
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Dissertation Completion Status
If you are a PhD candidate who wishes to remain registered after using your available extended registration and/or would like to undertake full-time employment, you can do so by electing Dissertation Completion Status.
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Graduation Requirements
Once you've completed all of your academic requirements, receiving your degree is not automatic. Follow the instructions on this page to submit your degree petition and graduate.
Student Support Resources
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Professional & Career Development
We promote an intentional approach to professional development, one that begins with the first year of your PhD and continues to evolve as you build knowledge and shape your scholarly and professional identity. Take advantage of the resources Yale has to offer: join a workshop series on leadership, communication, or project management; develop mentoring skills; or prepare for the job market through workshops on scholarly profile, job market materials, and interviewing skills. You can participate in professional development and career strategy workshops, and also schedule one-on-one consultations about your professional development and job search readiness.
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Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS)
The Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) provides a wide variety of resources to international students, including support for immigration, travel, and visas, as well as opportunities for community building. OISS has dedicated advisers for GSAS students: Luca Lipparini (Biological and Physical Sciences PhDs); Kira Bellucci (Engineering PhDs); and Veronika Eriksson (Humanities and Social Sciences PhDs; all divisions Master's).
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GSAS Embedded Mental Health Services
GSAS students have access to a variety of free mental health services and programming through the GSAS Embedded Mental Health program.
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Yale Mental Health and Counseling
Yale Mental Health and Counseling provides a full range of free mental health services to Yale Students. To access individual therapy, medication management, and/or group therapy, students should call Yale Mental Health and Counseling at 203-432-0290 and schedule an intake appointment. Students in urgent need can call 24/7 to speak with an on-call clinician.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) works with Yale students with acute or ongoing disabilities to provide appropriate accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services through an interactive process. The Graduate School's liaison in SAS is Jordan Colbert.
Title IX Office
The Title IX Office is an important part of Yale’s efforts to foster an environment of respect and belonging, consulting with members of the Yale community about their concerns and questions related to sex- and gender-based discrimination. This includes sexual misconduct, as well as discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, non-conformance with gender stereotypes, and parenting or pregnancy status.
SHARE Center
SHARE provides crisis support, advocacy, and referral to on-going care for all members of the Yale community dealing with sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and more. SHARE also offers on-going counseling for students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) focused on processing issues related to sexual misconduct.
Discrimination & Harassment Resources
Acts of discrimination and harassment are contrary to the community standards and ideals of our university. If you have experienced discrimination or harassment, been witness to a situation, or just need to talk, we encourage you to seek support. The resources, offices, and individuals highlighted on this site are available to provide guidance and to help you through informal or formal complaint procedures.
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Parental Relief for PhD Students
The Graduate School's relief policy assists PhD students when they become parents, enabling them to modify their academic responsibilities in the semester during or following the birth or adoption of a child.
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Dean's Emergency Fund
The Dean’s Emergency Fund enables terminal master’s and PhD students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to continue making academic progress despite unanticipated, extreme financial hardships that cannot be resolved through fellowships, loans, or personal resources. The maximum award for eligible requests is $2,000.
Student Funding Resources
External Fellowships & Awards
PhD students in the Graduate School receive stipends and tuition fellowships to support their studies. However, students can benefit from applying for and receiving external awards. Students who win external fellowships are also eligible for our Combined Award policy, which provides a stipend bonus.
PhD Student Summer Funding Resources
The Graduate School offers a number of summer funding awards to support academic activities related to PhD degree requirements. These include competitive research travel fellowships and tuition grants for enrollment in GSAS-sponsored language courses offered in Yale Summer Session.
Dean's Colloquium and Symposium Fund
If you are interested in leading an academic event, such as a workshop or conference, the Dean's Colloquium and Symposium Fund provides financial support for graduate student-led events
Conference Travel Fellowship (CTF)
By partnering with the MacMillan Center and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, graduate students with representatives in the Graduate Student Assembly are eligible for annual conference travel funding of up to $800.
MacMillan Center Fellowships for Research and Study Abroad
The MacMillan Center administers a variety of fellowships that support research, language study, conference travel, and other academic activities related to international and area studies.
Yale Student Grants Database
The Student Grants Database allows you to search for any Yale funding and external fellowships that have a campus application process.
Contact us
If you have questions about faculty and DGS related matters, please contact:

Jasmina Besirevic Regan
Associate Dean for Graduate Education
- 203-432-5127
- Warner House Room 313